The Puddle
This page is a tribute to Meir Uziel's popular column where life is all about frogs in a puddle.
Silence Frogs croak, a fact that is believed to have risen concomitantly to their mental capacities. Yet ability does not dictate a com...
Silence Frogs croak, a fact that is believed to have risen concomitantly to their mental capacities. Yet ability does not dictate a command...
Connectivity Ultimately, frogs’ skin is indistinguishable. We run the reductionist risk of lumping frogs into superfluously catholic categor...
Across the Great Divide Small changes, substantial changes. Yet the essence remains untouched. Our hero made it to the other side. She feels...
Popping the Ideological Bubble "Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation" - Oscar Wilde The puddle is fil...
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