
Popping the Ideological Bubble

"Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation"
- Oscar Wilde

The puddle is filled with life. Diverse life-forms that, together, create the eco-system that is our puddle. Variation within species is no less significant than the differences between the species. Frogs are the majority, but are only loosely tied together as members of Anura. In fact, some frogs are so consumed by their own community’s existence that they constantly overlook the collective frog identity.

Visual blindness is an awful impairment; cognitive blindness is even worse. Our hero hails from a part of the puddle analogous to a swamp; the entire sector is bogged in its own existence. The group apotheosizes itself while creating an illusory burden of pure frogdom that it carries as a favor to all others with whom they cohabitate.

All small tadpoles are vulnerable, even more so those coming of age in a homogeneous environment. Their young minds form with warped perceptions about life. A frog can consciously discard the entire frame of reference they were raised on, but this is dwarfed by the compulsion to create a new code.

Defining your new self in anything other than opposition to your old self is no small feat, and our hero now realizes how lucky she was to have gone through this process in a puddle far from the influences she was discontent with.

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