
Taking a Swimming Break

When frogs swim in the puddle, there is nothing except them and the water. They feel the water and know that they must keep paddling. It does not matter how large or small the puddle is; when they swim all that matters is that they are emerged in water. Some frogs thrive in the water while others need to take occasional breaks. Our hero was in a puddle, a nice one, one that she thoroughly enjoyed yet she felt the need to hop out of it in order to reflect into it from the outside. It was must easier to grasp the concept of the puddle and her being in it from ashore. Now she feels the warm air, although a few scattered drops of water streak down her back. It is unclear how our hero will feel in a few days. Being on the ground may cause her to yearn for the comforting waters, or may cause her to fall in love with the soil and dry earth. She only hopes that she will be able to figure out what she wants without hurting any other frogs in the process.


Quotes of Today

Today I pretend to me In Passing. Here are some tidbits:

"Don't make me come over and bash your heads"
-My extreme leftist, Bill Clinton hating, English teacher when I dared speak to my friend during class. (Note: I am going to write a letter after the semester is over about the use of violent language in the classroom, specifically from someone who claims to be a pacifist.)

"I don't vote for Zionists"
-Snehal, on Sproul, directed at an Asian campaigning for Daniel Frankenstien, in a true moment of tolerance, implying that what really matters in an ASUC president is their beliefs of which people are worthy of self determination.

"If I wanted to see a pro-Palestinian bill I would have written one myself"
-Misha Leybovich, addressing the lack of ASUC senate bills pertaining to anti-Israel sentiment and international affairs in general.