This page is a tribute to Meir Uziel's popular column where life is all about frogs in a puddle.
Quotes of Today
Today I pretend to me In Passing. Here are some tidbits:
"Don't make me come over and bash your heads"
-My extreme leftist, Bill Clinton hating, English teacher when I dared speak to my friend during class. (Note: I am going to write a letter after the semester is over about the use of violent language in the classroom, specifically from someone who claims to be a pacifist.)
"I don't vote for Zionists"
-Snehal, on Sproul, directed at an Asian campaigning for Daniel Frankenstien, in a true moment of tolerance, implying that what really matters in an ASUC president is their beliefs of which people are worthy of self determination.
"If I wanted to see a pro-Palestinian bill I would have written one myself"
-Misha Leybovich, addressing the lack of ASUC senate bills pertaining to anti-Israel sentiment and international affairs in general.
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