I'm not going to be posting over break, as I'll be traveling around the country. I'll leave you with something I wrote over the summer that you may have missed. I'll be back Jan 20th!
You know that feeling when you are alone in the world? Yeah, sure, you know people and have friends, but overall, it’s you for yourself. There is no organized friendship like high school, and no structure. This is what college has been like for me so far, and it is very easy to get lost in such a puddle.
Self-motivation is key for college-bound frogs, in addition to self-confidence. There are no parents to wake you up at 7:30am (although some may opt for an alarm clock), and nobody cares whether you come home at night. Somehow frogs meet, drawn together by a common interest, living situation, or classes. The frogs you meet have a great impact on your stay in the puddle.
Our hero was, and still is very fortunate regarding the frogs she has met since her arrival in the puddle, 2 years ago. She became acquainted with many frogs, until meeting those who she is close to today. These frogs are very special and unique. One is sure she is a bunny, despite her living in a puddle. One is documented as much older than his heart and spirit are. Another is always happy, and yet another is the best roommate one could wish for. One is old at heart, and another is obsessed with a near-by puddle’s basketball team. All these people make the puddle worth living in.
When moving to the puddle of college, self-confidence is as vital as lily pads. This is especially true when the puddle is competitive. Frogs come from a variety of backgrounds and places, and all have different achievements under their belts. In the puddle, they aspire to maintain their over-achievers status. This can be tough for uncompetitive, or less competitive frogs.
All frogs want to feel good about themselves. The self-confident frogs can put up a tough front; they know what they are doing and where they are heading and how they are getting there. Sometimes it seems that they do not need friends; they know their path and can follow it alone. Other frogs are less confident, and seek out other frogs to share advice and support with. These frogs may know their final destination, but not the way there. They may also have no idea where they are headed in life, and just enjoying the journey. Frogs who have had similar experiences tend to become close, as they can relate to each other’s hardships and lend a helping hand.
Every frog finds a few close buddies, who have a much stronger impact on them. These are frogs whose opinions are highly valued, more than the average puddle-mate. Such frogs hold power over their friends; the ability to make them feel at the top of the world, or as lowly as the mud at the bottom of the puddle. Less confidence frogs can become quite frustrated if surrounded by over-critical, self-confident frogs. They are sure of themselves, but when confronted by more ambitious frogs, are weakened.
This is what can make living in the puddle painful.